What gets called mental disorder or illness, mild or severe, shows itself as a misplaced fear of others. Personal relationships break down, followed by an inability to form and maintain new ones. The sufferer becomes progressively more emotionally and cognitively isolated. Madness results from our failure to constantly update and modify our mental map of the world. If we do not ‘test’ our predictions, beliefs, dreams, thoughts, internal dialogue, fantasies, hypotheses, plans, ideas about how the world is, and what the people within it think and feel, our map becomes rapidly out of date. If we act with an out of date model of the world - we will look mad to others, and they will treat us as mad. If others don’t share a large part of our model of reality we are emotionally and cognitively isolated. We need an accurate map; by sharing we come to have a more complete understanding than we could ever achieve alone. The ability to doubt and live with uncertainty, and hence know that we must constantly test our vision of the world - is sanity. To control and fix our view is the first step on the road to disaster and the way an unchanging outlook is maintained is by isolating oneself from any evidence that might contradict it. An unmodified and out of date model of the world is one where our thoughts and feelings are anchored in the past, hence our predictions of the future may be hopelessly wrong.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Normal service will be resumed shortly

photo by Nick Hewling
(Taken in A&E November 2011 shortly before 'Security', or whoever he was, broke my camera.)

Just a short post to reassure you that the writing promised some time ago will appear on this blog in the not too distant future. Alas, my creative efforts have been severely disrupted by two periods as a psychiatric patient. The photos below are from May 2012 and were taken whilst staying on a ward which may be familiar to some readers!

photo by Nick Hewling

photo by Nick Hewling
photo by Nick Hewling
photo by Nick Hewling
photo by Nick Hewling


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